How does this work?



We are a custom essay writing service. We help you complete sample essays or solutions for you assignment. All you need to do is send us the paper details using the order form, make payment and a writer will start working on your paper. As they do so, you will be in a position to track the order progress. Once the paper is complete, you will receive a copy via email but you can also log into your account and download it. In case you are not happy with the paper completed, you can request unlimited revisions within 2 weeks of receiving the paper at no extra charge. Should you have future assignments, simply log into you account and place a new order.

How do I place an order?


If you need a custom paper based on those instructions, click on the “Order a Paper” button below. Fill in the order form provided with the order details and select the deadline during which you need the paper completed. In description section, paste the order instructions and insert your personal details as requested below. Hit the “Preview” button to submit the paper details and create an account.Proceed to make payment by clicking the “pay” link


How do I know my papers is being worked on?


You will get notifications as the writer works on the paper and you can also track progress via your account.

Can I pay with my credit card?


Yes. All payments are processed by Paypal, which offers a option to check out via credit card or your paypal account

Are there any long-term commitments or cancellation fees?


No. You only pay for the order you need us to work on.

What if am not satisfied with the work completed?


We understand that at times there could be a misunderstanding between you and the writer regarding what is delievered. If the paper does not meet your expectations, you can request free revisions within 14-days as per our revision policy

Are there any discounts?


Yes. For your first order  you get a 20% discount. Simply use “FIRST20” when placing the order to redeem the discount. We even have better options for our repeat customers that depend on how much you have spent with us.

Still have other questions? Contact our support team and get started.


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