57 Creative Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics and ideas for college law students
- Emily
- December 30, 2016

Criminology is the study of crime in a social phenomena, criminal behavior, causes of crime and any other aspect of crime. The criminal justice department is comprised of three primary divisions of law. They are created to operate within the confines of law.
Law enforcement This are federal agents, police officers from different government departments.
Court Systems State, local, federal courts, defence attorney and prosecutors.
Correctional facilities This deals with jail, probation, prisons and parole.
Process of a Criminal Justice
The process begins when a when a crime is;
Reported Report is received from witness, victim or other parties.
Investigation Officers of the law try to find evidence, suspects or any link leading to arrests.
Arrest and Citation Officers may arrest suspect/s, or issue a citation for the suspect to appear in court. Should there be no evidence or suspect the case remains open.
How to Write Research Papers
Topic Choice Choose a topic that interests you. Focus on a limited aspect, avoid overly technical subjects and those with narrow range of sources.
Find Information Find books, surf the internet, check out public university libraries, government institutions, or contact knowledgeable people in the field for an interview.
Thesis Statement This statement is a clear declaration of your belief in the subject matter.Your essay will consist of your defense or support on this belief.
Make a Tentative Outline Your outline should consist of an Introduction, Body and Conclusion. The purpose of the outline is to enable you logically organised your thoughts and writing.
Organised your Notes Devise a method to organised your notes. Sections in your outline must be identified at a glance. You can group your notes with codes or Roman numeral numbers.
Write your First Draft Start with your first topic in the outline. Summarize, quote, paraphrase each idea you have in the essay.
Revise your Outline and Draft Double check your paper for grammar or any content errors. Re-organize the paper if necessary and always remember to keep your audience in mind.
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List of 57 Great Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics
- The origin of capital punishment.
- Should the death penalty used in juveniles?
- What is the reason behind very few women receiving the capital punishment?
- Should there be a nation wide sex offenders registry?
- How has forensic evolved over time with use of technology?
- Is identity theft on the increase? What are the recovery plans in place?
- Discuss the Harm Principle.
- Discuss parental abduction laws.
- What should and should not be allowed for better gun control?
- Discuss juvenile recidivism.
- Is probation for mine offenders less expensive for the state?
- Type of serial killers?
- Was the real Jack the Ripper caught?
- When should distributive justice be used in criminal justice?
- Discuss the three social structures and crime theory.
- What is the political, social and legal side of use of deadly force by law enforcement.
- How is jury selection done?
- What problems have cropped up in prisons crowding?
- What does plea bargaining offer to juvenile delinquents?
- What is the impact of white collar crimes in the society?
- What is the motivation behind hate crimes?
- Date rape and what can be done to avoid?
- Should all employers run a background criminal check on all new employees?
- What is your government doing to help protect children from online predators?
- Is community policing an effective program against home grown crimes?
- Has information sharing technology improved in crime against terrorism?
- Cyberbullying and cyberstalking how can we ensure children are safe from this?
- Should high schools and colleges develop a school based drug testing?
- Discuss Witness Protection Programme.
- Are delinquency cases higher in immigrant childrens?
- Do most arrests of youth test positive for drug use?
- What is the relationship between aggression and crime?
- Discuss the strain theory.
- Discuss the deterrence and rational choice theory.
- What is the relationship between mental illness and crime?
- Is there a relationship between social class and crime?
- What is racial profiling?
- Discuss restorative justice.
- Is there a relationship between bad parenting and juvenile delinquencies?
- How can offender re entry be made seamless to the society?
- Can restrictive housing help decongest prisons?
- What is forensic science?
- Discuss reform versus punishment.
- What is mandatory sentencing and the 3 strike rules?
- What is the effect of wrongful conviction?
- Has capital punishment deterred crime?
- Discuss Miranda versus Arizona (1966) and its impact today.
- Are there any benefits of legalizing marijuana?
- Discuss parts of a criminal trial process.
- Is the extradition law fair?
- Is predictive policing effective?
- Does parole work?
- Should domestic violence laws be more punitive?
- Is there a correlation between race and crime?
- Causes of victimisation.
- Should drunk drivers be given more severe punishment?
- How can criminology be adopted into public policy?
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