- Emily
- December 30, 2016

History is the study of human past. America is one of the oldest nation in the globe. The first settlers in America were of Asian origin and were nomadic in nature. However, until 1776 is when the Declaration of Independence came about.
How to Write a Good History Research Paper
Pick a topic
Get off a good start and determine the general idea in which you have interest in. narrow your topic based on your interest. Is it about battle, civil war, politics etc?. Formulate the research paper question known as the thesis statement. The thesis question must ask, “what am i trying to prove”? Your target audience should always know where your argument is coming from, currently where it is now and where it going
Break your content into parts that study the interrelations of the parts. Historical scrutiny is critical, it evaluates sources, weighs contending explanations and assigns weighty matters to causes.
Use critical evidence
Have various methods of on how you can discover pertinent information for your paper . As a historian you need to interrogate your sources and ask the critical questions. Who, When, Why and How the source compares to the analysis.
Conventions in History Writing
Write in past tense
Since historical events happened in the past it is prudent for your prose to be written in the past tense.
Avoid generalization:
Historians value specificity not vague words or equivocal words.
Write in academic voice Avoid use of 1st or 2nd person.
Avoid present-ism or anachronism
Do not relate all historical event to the present. Investigate the terms on its own and ensure that chronological order is adhered to.
Quote if you must A quote will benefit the unfamiliar reader to take note.
Cite properly Historians use footnotes and end-notes (this is inline with humanities paper done in Chicago Manual Style). Providing reference and supplemental information shows how credible a writer you are.
Your readers will thank you for not submitting the first draft.
List of 101 American History Research Topics
Constitutional Issues
- What are the issues surrounding the Bill or Rights?
- Fourteenth Amendment. Whose right is being taken away?
- Constitutional change in America what is the role of the amendments?
- Discuss the Article of Confederation.
- How a bill becomes law.
- Presidential line of succession.
- Second Amendment. Is the the most controversial issue enshrined in the constitution?
- Discuss ratification Conventions.
- The Federalist and Antifederalist.
- Separation of power.
- The Constitutional Convention.
American Revolution
- The Tea Act.
- The French Alliance and the winning of America’s Independence.
- What was the extensive role played by the African American in the revolution.
- Discuss why the American victory at the Battle of The Great Bridge significant.
- What important role did the Militia play in the revolution.
- Explore the Yorktown Chronicles and mention George Washington and Charles Cornwallis.
- Discuss the Siege of the Yorktown Timeline.
- Was there revolutionary espionage?
- Boston Massacre?
- What was the effect of the revolution to the society?
Civil War
- The Army of the Northern Virginia.
- The Peninsula Campaign.
- Fort Pillow Massacre.
- Nat Turner Rebellion.
- What impact had the underground railroad on the civil war?
- The Naval War in Arkansas.
- How were the people shaped by the the legacy of the civil war in Arkansas?
- Civil war prisons.
- Native Americans in the civil war.
- Causes of the civil war.
Great Depression
- What was the cause of the Great Depression.
- How did the Great Depression affect the banking industry in America?
- What was all about Black Tuesday?
- Did World War II relief troubles of the Great Depression.
- Who made money during the Great Depression and what methods did they use?
- The Federal Reserve played a big role in the Great Depression. Discuss.
- President Roosevelt introduced the “New Deal”. Discuss its advantages on the people.
- How close in American history has it come to another “Great Depression”
- What impact did the Great Depression have on the National Security?
- Did the great depression affect the way the American’s voted?
Industrial Revolution
- What major problems came about the industrial revolution.
- What caused the industrial revolution. What is it a blessing to the common man?
- What role did women play in the industrial revolution.
- Discuss the downside of the industrial revolution.
- Which inventors made a difference in the industrial revolution.
- What was science’s role in industrial revolution.
- Did industrial revolution gave birth to urbanisation?
- Why was the 1830 reform bill important to this era?
- What are the economic theories that support the industrial revolution.
- Did living standards improve in the era of industrial revolution?
Civil and Human Rights
- How important was the Voting Act Rights to the blacks.
- Segregated churches and restaurants.
- Rosa Parks.
- Exclusion from tertiary education centres.
- Martin Luther King
- How did the segregation affect the American music industry?
- What role did the black panthers play in civil rights.
- Did Jim Crow make people of color have unbearable lives?
- Discuss the Civil Rights Act 1964.
- Discuss the case Plessy versus Ferguson.
Colonial Era
- Discuss the American colonial era.
- Compare and contrast West Indies Colony and Virginia Colony.
- What impact did the letters of Christopher Columbu have on America.
- Discuss the first formal contract between the English natives and British colonial.
- Discuss the “first thanksgiving”
Slavery and Abolition
- Discuss the Abolitionist Movement.
- How did capitalism influence slave trade?
- What was the importance of land ownership and freed slaves.
- Discuss the legislative response to the Missouri Compromise.
- Discuss the role of the slave woman.
- How does the secession theory relate to South Carolina and slavery?
- What is the significance of the underground rail ground and African American escapees?
- Discuss the life of Robert Smalls.
- Discuss John Brown’s revolt against slave trade.
- Slavery in Nova Scotia?
Westward Expansion
- Westward expansion and the compromise of 1850.
- The Mexican War and the Westward expansion.
- Discuss Nebraska Arkansas Act.
- Discuss the manifest destiny in line with the timeline westward expansion.
- The Oregon Trail and the Westward expansion.
Native American
- The origin of the Indian American.
- Voodooism and the native American.
- The Cherokee and the Trail of Tears.
- Mountain Meadow Massacre.
- Evaluate the way of life for the Native American.
- The ghost and sun dance.
- What is the controversy surrounding “red skins” and Indians?
- Write about the unique culture, history and religion of the native American.
- Write a paper on the Indian Removal Act and its impact even today.
- What is the effect of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.
Famous People in History
Write Biographies and change this famous famous people made.
- Thomas Jefferson.
- Benjamin Franklin.
- James Madison.
- Abraham Lincoln.
- Margaret Fuller.
- Susan Anthony.
- Malcolm X.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt.
- Woodrow Wilson.
- Ronald Reagan.
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